
Meet Scout - A New Interactive Tool for HypnoThoughts LIVE

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Primary Blog/HTLIVE Conference/Meet Scout - A New Interactive Tool for HypnoThoughts LIVE

Key Points:

  • Congratulations were extended to Adam Eason and his team for the success of the UK Hypnosis Convention, acknowledging their efforts and improving events over the years.
  • Jo Moon was declared the winner of a contest for a free subscription to HTLIVE365 and the AI program, based on consistent engagement with the "Roy Robot."
  • Updates were shared about pre- and post-conference workshops for Hypnothoughts Live, which have been reduced in number (to 20-25) for better focus and participant convenience.
  • A new AI-based assistant, "Scout," was introduced to help attendees navigate the Hypnothoughts Live conference, offering personalized suggestions for pre- and post-conference workshops.
  • Scout currently assists with workshops but will receive updates over the next 6-9 months to enhance its abilities, interface, and user experience.
  • Returning presenters' applications have been reviewed, and the process for first-time presenters will start soon. Contracts will be sent out only after completing all reviews.
  • The speaker selection process remains transparent, and the team is open to providing detailed explanations or audits if requested.


(Transcribed with A.I. Some errors may appear.)

Hey, everybody, it's Scott Sandland with hypnothoughts Live. I've got a couple quick things and then a really fun thing. So let's get through these quick things and jump right into the innovation. Congratulations to Adam Eason and the UK team on another great convention. I don't even know what number this is for you guys. You've done quite a few now and you've been stringing together increasingly successful events. So just kudos to you and your team on the hard work and the dedication required to put something together that's getting better and better every year. You guys have a lot to be proud of. I'm sure I'll be at that conference in the next couple years. It's just. I'm looking forward to it. I know I'm going to the Irish Conference next year, by the way. I'm going to be a presenter over there.


I'm looking forward to that. But it's cool to see you guys on that side of the Atlantic pulling your weight for a change. And so kudos to you and tip of the hat. We also try to not make any announcements during the week of another hypnosis conference because we don't want to step on toes. So some of this was going to be last week, but we decided to hold off out of respect for our colleagues. So there you go. The next thing is I updated you guys that there has been this contest going on to win a free subscription to HTCLive365 and the AI program. This is a over $500 value. And as I said in an update, basically Joe Moon is the only one in the contest. And we would joke that were calling it the Joe Moon Contest.


And then I didn't make an update about who won because some other updates kind of took precedent. And then the UK conference. So this is a couple weeks behind the winner's Joe Moon. Like, and it's not even close, guys. It's like, remember when Al Pacino won the Academy Award for Scent of the Woman? Scent of a Woman. And people were like, I don't know if that's his best performance. But everyone was like, yeah, but the body of work, really, he's earned Academy Award. So they just gave him the Oscar. That's really what's happened here. It's not one specific screenshot or comment or interaction with the rooibot that made Jo win. It's the totality and the body of work she interacted with that rooibot and really learned it, really understood it and Got to know how to take advantage of that resource.


So the reward is she's going to get a ton more resources just like it. There's going to be 20 more robots just like the Roy bot in the next couple of months and then there's going to be a lot more of varying shapes and sizes. And this video is going to explain to you what that means. So there's going to be bots inside of HD Live365, but also we've announced our pre and post conference workshops and we reduced it by almost 50% from previous years. You know, we're just in between 20 and 25 pre and post conference workshops and a couple of them are, you know, the one presenter goes twice like, you know, Richard Hill, who's, you know, flying over from Australia.


We're going to give him a two day and a one day as an example, which we've done with other presenters in the past. But there's so many good ones, like really crazy good ones. And by the way, there's also great people who aren't there will be rotating. Well, we've got a lot to rotate through. You guys are going to love it. But there's still difficult choices. And when you go to our website, htlive.net, you see the workshop button, you click, you look at it, you're like, man, how do I pick? This is such a hard set of choices. And a couple people have complained to me or Stephanie or whoever about this and so we said, okay, well, how can we make it easier? Reducing the count wasn't enough.


We actually need to be able to have conversations with people about where they are in their career, what they're looking for. And so I'd like to introduce you all to the new member of the hypnothoughts Live team designed to do exactly that. And that means I'd like to introduce you all to Scout. Scout is our new RAG based so RAG Retrieval Augmented Generation Large Language Model System. So it's a rag LLM, it's an agent, it's a bot. This is Scout. Scout is designed to get to know you, what you're looking for, and then help you navigate hypnothoughts live. Now, today, Scout only knows about pre and post conference, that's all. And it'll ask you questions, it'll talk to you, and then it'll give you some suggestions or recommendations and you can talk through everything.


You can't offend it, you can't hurt its feelings, it's just Doing its best to help you navigate this space. And again, Scout's brand new Scout's gonna be getting a lot smarter. It's gonna get a lot of upgrades in terms of know how, abilities, interface, visuals, ux. There's a lot that's going to upgrade over the next six to nine months with Scout and you guys will see that as we get closer to the conference and we'll make announcements about those upgrades and updates that Scout will definitely be getting. And we have a roadmap for updates that is way more robust than any of you are thinking about right now. And it's going to be very cool. And today it's about Scout helping you. Just consider pre and post. It's not going to be pushy.


It can give you a link to any of them once you make your suggestion and it can answer your questions about each presenter to the best of its ability. So go check out Scout. It's going to be on the htlive.net website. I'll put a link below so that you can just talk with Scout as much as you want, totally free. And he's just there to help navigate hypnothoughts live. Like I said, it's going to be learning a lot and getting a lot of updates and upgrades over the next six to nine months. But this is where it starts. So go talk to Scout and have him help you pick your pre and post conference workshops. It's going to be really cool. One last thing before I go. Stephanie and I have been working on the regular conference, the speaker application process.


We are done with all returning presenters. We are not started on first time presenters. So just as a status update and transparency, we have finished the returning presenters. We are not sending out contracts to anybody until we get the whole thing done though. So we're getting through it all, it's working well and you know, we're getting good at this. We've got a system now that works pretty well. And by the way, if you guys need an audit and you need more transparency from me on how we pick our presenters, please ask. You guys know I've made like really exhaustive videos in the past where I really show our work and if you guys need another one of those, just ask. Otherwise, let's just go talk to Scout and see what workshops fit our needs the best. You'll get more from me soon.


And again, congratulations to Joe, congratulations to Adam, and we'll see you all later.

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